“Armarouthkia” are featuring works by Cypriot writers

Literary Corner (Saturday 13 July, 16:00-late, Sunday 14 July 10:00-late)

Inside a mud-brick room of the Chani (the Inn), where breeze enters from traditional skylights, a calm corner will be awaiting you, where, among its historical furniture, Armarouthkia (Cabinets) will be standing out! On their shelves, you will find works by Cypriot writers – poetry, prose, scientific and childrens books – which you can flip through and read.

The books collection will remain in Armarouthkia during the Festival and will then continue its journey, finding its place at the lending library of Evrychous’s Youth Multicentre operated by the Youth Board of Cyprus.

We warmly thank all the writers who generously donated their works to us!