

Welcome to Stavrinos’ Inn, in Katydata village,

We welcome you to a place that is certainly not random, but neither it is great. What makes it special, though, is that – just stand for a moment to listen to its walls – it has been permeated by far back worlds, by passers-by, bystanders and peddlers. The soundscape of Marilena Stavrou was inspired exactly from the individuality of the place. Stand at the window, listen to the chirping, and see the manger on the south wall and the fireplace in the northwest corner… what is it, after all, that connects the mindless animal... with the rational animal, the human being? And yet ... “The ox knows its owner and the donkey its master’s crib”... [Isaiah, 1,3]

The objects we collected – Mr. Stefanos spoke to them for the first time – have stories behind them, which they are unable to tell; clay, wood, metal, stone, are soulless after all. And yet their stories can be heard through those who lived with these objects, who used them. Memory, with its finite qualities, was a challenge for us, and we went against oblivion, to “inspirit” these objects, through the voice of the villagers of Katydata, men and women, in whose hands the clay, the wood, the metal and the stone turned into life.

This is not a folklore exhibition with objects that have ceased to have life; we present their voice.

Apostolos G. Kouroupakis

Exhibit’s organiser: Apostolos G. Kouroupakis

Soundscape composition: Marilena Stavrou

Space design: Maria Loucaidou

Lighting: Andreas Petrou

Photography: Andreas Loucaides

Project co-ordination: Elli Michael, Stefanos Michael

Stories by: Aliki Papapetrou, Anthoula Tofaridou, Elli Stavrinou – Frantzidou, Lella Kokkinidou, Maria Andreou, Pambos Savvides, Stefanos Michael

