Saturday 13 July, 20:00-20:45



The performance is inspired from the Japanese tale of fisherman Urashima Tarō. The tale invokes a human, a turtle, an act, a box, the land, the ocean, and time.

HA KO works through elements of the tale and concludes in the image of the box. There, several questions and hypotheses arise. What would happen if...?

The spectators have a walking experience. The music of the performance is live and the movement is creative.

This performance by Selas Dance Company is suitable for adults and for kids.

Choreography: Maria Kamberis

Music composition and performance: Demetris Yiasemides

Dancer and kinesiology creator: Panagiota Nikolaou

Text and narration: Sofia Eracleous

Participation: Savvas Thoma

Scenography: Elena Katsouris

Sound engineering: Sotos Charalambous

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