Sunday 14 July, 20:45 - 21:45

Krama Brass Band (CY)


©Pavlos Vrionides

Krama Brass Band was established in 2023 by two Cypriot musicians, Andreas Theocharous and Nicholas Georgiou, and consists of six wind instruments, guitar and drums. Krama is inspired by the concept of combination of elements and cultures: the alloy as a material of the brass instruments, and the blend of Mediterranean and western music. Krama’s intention is the composition and performance of original music that combines traditional music of the Mediterranean region with western music, with an emphasis on retaining the stylistic features of traditional.

Nicholas Georgiou: Alto saxophone 

Marios Charalambous: Tenor saxophone 

George El Haber: Trumpet

Raphael Orphanides: Trumpet 

Vangelis Drouliskos: Bass trombone

Alexandros Adam: Guitar

Andreas Theocharous: Tuba 

Nicolas Tsangaris: Percussion

Check their social media here