Playing the makams

4-day seminar with Harris Lambrakis for instrumentalists

(Thu. 11 July & Fri. 12 July 10:00-13:00 & 16:30-19:30

Sat. 13 July & Sun. 14 July, 10:00-13:00)

In this workshop we will delve into the music of the Makam tradition and, more widely, into Eastern Mediterranean modality. Practice, reperetoire, taksims and gazels (instrumental and vocal improvisation) and the recordings of grand masters will be our starting point. These will provide us with the fundamentals in order to comprehend the theoretical framework in place today in various traditions and trace its evolution throughout time. During our practice, the two pillars of theory and practice will go hand in hand to the greatest possible extent. The tools of our effort will be our musical instruments. The workshop is open to any instrument players wishing to explore the melodic richness of these traditions.

*The subject matter of the workshop, as well as part of its repertoire, will be common with Elena Xyda´s vocal workshop. The participants of the two workshops will spend some time of joint practice, while at the end of the fourth and last day, they will come together to present the result of their work as part of the activities of Windcraft Music Fest.

  • Participation in the seminar is free of charge.

  • Registration is required.

  • The lessons will take place outside the village of Agios Theodoros, 5km away from Katydata.

  • Participants can stay overnight at the festival campsite (Katydata Primary School) or look for accommodation independently in the surrounding villages.


  • Harris Lambrakis was born and raised in Athens and started playing music at a young age, having many good teachers. He graduated from the Music High School of Pallini and the Department of Music Studies of the University of Athens with a major in ethnomusicology. He was lucky enough to work with important musicians in Greece and abroad. For almost 30 years he has been participating in recordings and concerts around the world, while at the same time teaching ney by giving seminars and masterclasses. With the group Harris Lambrakis Quartet they have recorded 3 albums (Thea, Meteora, Lafina). He is in charge of the Intercultural Orchestra of GNO.

Registration Form